Protein Rainbow Bowl

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Their is nothing better than a rainbow bowl in my eyes, filling your gut with a range of nutrients!

Bowl details:
+ red cabbage as the base soaked in some apple cider vinegar to soften it up + fried up Brussel sprouts (cut into quarters) with some olive oil and salt
+ baked chickpeas with some paprika and sprayed olive oil to give it a good crisp
+ edamame beans (I buy these frozen) and put it in the oven to thaw, then pop out the beans from the shell
+ one boiled egg for extra protein
+ I made some black bean,quinoa,sweet potato patties. They are a delish dose of plant protein and good carbs. Let me know if you want the recipe + Dressed the bowl with tahini, apple cider vinegar and olive oil mixed together
+ topped with roasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds & hemp seeds


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