Berry Delicious Bread

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If you haven’t yet noticed, I’m obsessed with berries! (Sorry (not sorry) for the recent berry spam if your not a fan). They not only sweeten your food naturally, but they are also bursting with antioxidants, high in fibre & obviously are filled with so many nourishing nutrients 🙌🏻 * However is it important to note, berries are one of the most sprayed crops, (part of the dirty dozen list) meaning if you aren’t buying organic they are sprayed with pesticides= chemicals. The best solution to avoiding this but still enjoying lots of berries is buying frozen organic, 1000x cheaper than fresh organic, OR soaking all of your fresh berries in apple cider vinegar which help to get some of the nasties off!
In a blender add:
+ 2 cups of oats
+ 3 ripe bananas
+ 2 organic eggs
+ 8 soft dates (soak in boiling water for 2 mins prior)
+ 1 tsp baking powder
Wizz up, then in a bowl stir through your berry jam.
How to make the Berry Jam:
In a bowl saucepan add;
+ 2 tbs boiling water
+ 2 tbs chia seeds
+ 1 3/4 cup frozen blueberries and raspberries.
Cook on low until a jam like consistency.
Mix 3/4 of the jam through the loaf with a spoon.
Bake for approx 40 mins on 180 degrees.
Serve with the remaining berry jam and some peanut butter of course!


Veggie MEXICANA bowl
