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Pasta is hands down my favourite meal, anyone else agree?? I made this a few weeks ago for lunch and cannot wait to make it again, it was a serious wow factor 🀀 Plus packed with soooo many beautiful hidden nutrients. My favourite pasta to use is chickpea pasta, it naturally contains no gluten and is 100% chickpeas which means a big protein hit keeping you full for hours after πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌI encourage you to try it if you haven’t yet!! Details:
Step 1: Make the sauce
In a blender whizz up - + 3/4 head of blanched broccoli + 1/2 juice of lemon
+ Big handful of parsley
+ 3 cloves garlic + 2 small avocados
+ 2 TBS goats cheese with 1 tbs of the oil it comes in + generous pinch of salt
Step 2: fry up some extra vege!
In a pan splash some olive oil and add some chopped garlic, generous handful of chopped green beans, approx 1/4 cup frozen peas and the last 1/4 of your blanched broccoli. Let it cook and soften for approx 10 minutes.
Then add your sauce that you have wizzed up to the pan with the vege and also add your cooked pasta of choice!.
This meal is completely packed with a great variety of green goodness, something we all need to be consuming more of I say!!
Enjoy 😘😘


Berry Delicious Bread


Berry & Peach Crumble