Flax Hemp Honey Cookies 🍯

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Well these cookies were a real treat! They are a great little healthy snack, not too sweet (although you can make them sweeter with some more honey) and really packed with so many beautiful nutrients in here!

I was experimenting with @meluka_au Hemp Honey, really wasn’t sure how they would turn out as I have never tried any honey that wasn’t just honey, but let me tell you, the flavour makes it absolutely delicious 🥰🥰

+ 3/4 cup oat flour (oats blended)
+ 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
+ 2 tbs almond meal
+ 1 tbs hemp honey (if you want them a bit sweeter use 2 tbs honey)
+ 2 tbs olive oil
+ 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, roll into little balls and flatten with a fork on baking paper in a baking dish. Cook for 15-20 mins on 180 degrees. Leave for 10 mins to cook otherwise they could crumble!

If you want to try the honey you can get 15% off using my code Julia15 🍯
I got the holiday pack, which is actually a really cool wholesome gift for someone you love to give them something sweet over the holidays 🙊




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