green buckwheat pasta

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wo reasons I absolutely LOVE this dish: Obviously the fact it’s green🙃, I love that you wouldn’t know how many different vege is the sauce because it’s puréed, each hidden vege has its own delicious nutritional profile our bodies love!! Secondly, the pasta is 100% buckwheat (not actually wheat at all), a naturally gluten free plant, rich in protein and fibre! This is one of my new favourite gluten pasta alternatives! The textures go so well together!
This is such a great way to get your greens in without even knowing..

The veggies you will need are: Garlic, onion, leek, broccoli, spinach and peas.. feel free to add in whatever ever green you have.


+ 2 cloves minced garlic
+ 1/2 brown onion
+ 1/2 leek
+ 1 full broccoli
+ 1/2 cup frozen peas
+ 1 cup frozen spinach
+ 2 cups of pasta
+ juice of half a lemon
+ handful fresh spinach/ kale

+ In a deep pan add some olive oil followed by your onion, garlic and leek.
+ Cook until soft then add your broccoli, peas, spinach and kale & some salt & Simmer for 15 minutes until everything’s nice and soft with a few stirs in between.
+ Once this is cooking make your pasta but don’t drain out the water just yet, you will need it for the pasta sauce
+ Remove your veggies and add to a blender with 1 cup of the pasta water when the pasta is ready. Also add a nice generous squeeze of lemon.
+ Blitz it up until it’s broken down into a nice creamy consistency.
+ Add the sauce to your pasta and combine well, stirring in a good handful of Parmesan.

Toppings: chopped crunchy walnuts and more Parmesan!

I have to thank @jamieoliver who was my inspo for this recipe ☺️


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