Red Lentil & Chickpea Tumeric Curry

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Easily one of my most frequent favourite dinners right now. You cannot go wrong, it ticks all the boxes of taste, max goodness and is a great meat free option (something I think we should all be doing a bit more of!) A perfect meal to triple the batch and have left overs, and so cosy coming into winter ☺️
+ 1 cup raw red lentils
+ 1/2 cup raw chickpeas (you can used canned but more flavoursome with raw
+ 2 cups broth (or good quality stock)
+ 1 tin coconut milk
+ 1 tin tomatoes
+ 1 tsp ground tumeric + 1/2 brown onion
+ 1/2 leek + 3 garlic cloves
+ knob of garlic
+ 1 chopped carrot
+ 1/2 broccoli
+ 1/3 chopped pumpkin + large handful chopped green beans
+ salt and pepper (pepper is key for support absorption of tumeric)
*Start by soaking your red lentils & raw chickpeas overnight or minimum 4 hours!!
+ fry up garlic, ginger, leek and onion in coconut oil until soft, then add tumeric and stir for another minute
+ add broth and stir for a few mins
+ add vegetables and stir + add tinned tomatoes.. I like to stir this all up for 5 minutes + Add drained and rinse chickpeas and lentils and coconut milk
+ add salt and pepper
Let it simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes then turn down to low for an hour
+ nigella seeds, roasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds, chilli flakes, hemp seeds
+ Enjoy with quinoa or brown rice


Mexican stuffed sweet potatoes!
