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The ultimate Omega 3 hit πŸ™ These are a great easy recipe to make in bulk, keep in the freezer and take to work with you to add to your salads or veggies, a much needed source of omega 3s.. an essential part of a healthy diet that many people are lacking! I try and aim for salmon twice a week. (Some great plant sources of omega 3s are chia/hemp/flax seeds & walnuts are my fave)
Also the great thing about tinned salmon is that it’s wild caught where as the fillets most people find are farmed.. we want to try to reduce our farmed intake where ever possible!
Mix together in a bowl:
+ 3 small tins salmon + 1/2 cup almond meal + 1 organic egg
+ 1 grated carrot
+ handful parsley chopped finely + 1/2 tsb paprika & chilli (as much as you can handle) + squeeze of lemon + Salt & Pepper
Roll into balls and flatten on a pan and cook until both sides are nicely cooked through
* Also delicious on their own dipped in creamy avocado πŸ₯‘ 😘😘


PB & Oat protein balls


Peanut butter & banana sandwiches