Mondays Nourishing Bowl

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Whilst I absolutely LOVE all things fresh produce, sometimes we don’t have time to get to the shops or don’t have access to fresh food. This bowl uses some great pantry, freezer & fridge staples to ensure there are always healthy options on hand! (Instant rice, frozen kale/spinach/green beans, nuts & seeds, sun-dried tomatoes & eggs.. things that you don’t need to buy on a weekly basis!)

This bowl uses 12 different plant foods which is a big win for me in a meal, the more diversity in our bowls the happier our gut 👍🏻

Base: @tildarice Instant basmati brown rice. This is an absolute delicious rice and I packed it filled with vege from the freezer.
+ On a pan fry up one chopped clove of garlic with some olive oil and throw in 1/2 cup frozen spinach, 1/2 cup frozen kale and 1/2 cup frozen green beans. (All bought from woolies organic macro brand in packets)
+ Once it has all defrosted and sautéed after about 10 mins or so, add your pack of rice and shut the lid for 3 minutes. Take off the heat and drizzle with some lemon juice, olive oil & punch of salt.
* lemon juice is key here as it is a great vitamin C to help the body absorb the iron from the veggies!
Serve half the rice per person

+ boil 2 eggs per person, I like it about 9-10 mins boiling. I use pasteurised organic eggs. Eggs are an awesome source of protein, choline, iron and much much more ☺️

+ chop up some sundried tomatoes and add into the bowl. These are a great fridge staple with a long shelf life
+ Add 1/4 avocado per person
+ Peel a whole carrot and divide it up into your two portions

Toppings: I’m all about nuts and seeds! Add whatever you have on hand. I used about 1 tsp each of hemp seeds, sesame seeds and a handful of roasted almonds.
+ To roast the almonds I put them whole in the oven with NO oil for about 15 mins, then chop them in half and add onto your bowl

Dressing: My winning dressing is a combo of 1 tbs Tahini, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tbs lemon juice, salt & water. Mix until the perfect consistency, add water if it’s too thick but just a touch at a time!

Enjoy 🥰🥰🥰




a wholesome omelette