smashed potatoes

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SMASHED POTATI’S 🤤 Anyone else totally obsessed with potatoes? Friends, please don’t be afraid of potatoes.. yes they are a ‘carb’ (in which we need to consume to survive), but they are a beautiful nutritious whole food straight from the ground!! These even came covered in dirt which always makes me feel they are fresh as could be!!
First time making these, definitely not the last.. these couldn’t be easier, if you haven’t tried.. do it!!
+ Peel your potatoes (leave the skin on for extra nutrients!! But wash well)
+ Boil for 15 minutes
+ Drain them, make sure they are dry!
+ To a lined baking pan add your potatoes and with a fork, press down on them until the top smashes but not all the way through
+ add lots of good quality olive oil, fresh salt and fresh rosemary
Bake for 45 mins - 1 hour until deliciously crispy 👊🏻
Thanks @yourfoodcollective for the beautiful batch of potatoes this week!!


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