veggie no pasta lasagne

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Forever perfecting my veggie packed (no pasta) lasagne and this is one is one of my favourites!! Such a great nutritional powerhouse scrumptious dinner πŸ₯°

I used grass fed organic mince meat for this one mixed in with a tin of lentils to get more nutrients hidden in there. (Such a delish combo, I love hiding awesome nutrients if you cant even taste it, lentils are such a winner here!)

I received a @mingleseasoning sample in my @goodnessmebox this month so I used it as the seasoning in this recipe.. In all honestly, I am a really basic cook and struggle with what herbs and spices to add so I absolutely LOVED this pre made mix! This seasoning has absolutely no additives and 100% whole foods with no added unnecessary sugar βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ It’s mixture is oregano, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, thyme & basil πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

+ 1 brown onion
+ 2 cloves garlic
+ 1 carrot
+ 2 eggplants
+ 2 zucchinis
+ 300g of good quality mince, I use organic grass fed
+ 1 tin of lentils
+ 1 tin tomatoes
+ 400g passata
+ 250g ricotta
+ 2 handfuls spinach
+ dried or fresh basil
+ 1 sachet or Mingle 30g of the spagbol seasoning

Step 1- Make your lentil mince
+ fry up chopped garlic, onion & carrot for a few minutes
+ add your mince and cook until brown
+ add washed and drained lentils
+ add your mingle herbs & spices
+ add tinned tomato & passata & let it simmer for 30 minutes

Step 2: Make your veggie slices
+ Slice thinly your eggplant and zucchini, sprinkle salt over and let it sit for 10-20 minutes to draw out excess liquid

Step 3: compile your lasagne
+ start with a deep oven dish and line the tray with eggplant
+ then add 1/2 of your mince mixture and spread so it cover the surface area
+ chop half your spinach and spread with some dried basil
+ mix your ricotta in with some water to thin it out, add some spoon fulls (about 1/3) around the lasagne
+ next layer the zucchini over the top and repeat the steps with the mixture, spinach and ricotta.
+ as your top layer add eggplant then some ricotta ontop
+ Bake for about 40-50 minutes on 180 degrees. (Half way through I added a few handfuls of mozzarella, totally optional), keep cooking until it starts to crisp
Enjoy πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


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