A Wholesome Banana Paddle Pop 🙌🏻

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Happy Sunday Friends. I hope everyone had a delicious weekend, I absolutely did!

This afternoon I had some spare bananas that needed to be used and my sweet tooth right now is next level 🤦🏻‍♀️

I found some bamboo sticks, cut off the ends of the bananas and placed the sticks in the middle of each one and placed them in the freezer for an hour.

I then melted 1/2 a block of 78% Lindt choc. Whilst melting I dipped the tops of the bananas in peanut butter and placed on baking paper.

For the one on the right I then sprinkled chopped almonds on the peanut butter and then dunked it in the choc and placed back on the baking paper.

For the middle one, after dunking it in peanut butter I then dunked it straight in dark choc and sprinkled it with almonds.

For the third one I coated most of it in dark choc after the peanut butter. It dried pretty quickly and then I drizzled some more dark choc ontop for the drizzle effect.

I put them all in the freezer for another hour until it was all nice and hard. I got inpatient and ate them a bit earlier, however I think for best results try and make them when your not starving and let them freeze for a few hours if you can!!

A great healthy ice cream alternative and great for the kiddies!

Enjoy 😘😘


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