Lentil bolognesey sweet potato Shepards pie

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So... I am not really a meat eater anymore for a multitude of reasons.. however every couple of weeks (or monthly) I feel like my body needs it so I have it.. it’s nice not to put a label on your ‘diet’ because it gives you flexibility to eat something when you want and not feel bad about it.
When I do cook meat I make sure it is always good quality, that’s my non negotiable (unless I’m out).. try for ORGANIC and GRASS FED wherever possible!! More on that later.. This weekends meat adventure was packed with lentils because I think lentils are LIFE and where ever I can add more nutrients I will.. you really don’t even know they are there! (Great for kids when your trying to hide the good stuff in their meals)

Fried up a piece of garlic and a stem of leek in a pan with olive oil, cooked until golden
Added 1 diced carrot & zucchini with approx 1/2- 1 tsb paprika & cumin. Sautéed for a few minutes
Added organic grass fed beef mince, cooked till brown
Added 2 tins organic diced tomatoes & 3/4 cup of filtered water
Added 1 cup of soaked raw lentils
Cook for approx 45 mins on low .
Sweet potato topping:
Boiled 2 sweet potato’s until soft
Add them into blender with 1 tsb coconut oil, salt & dash of paprika and blend until smooth (with the skin on)
Add the sweet potato purée ontop of the bolognese mix in a ramekin
Grill in oven until crispy
Voilaaaaa 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼




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