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I want to share 3 of my fave fridge staple recipes tonight.
They are all so so handy to have in the fridge filled with the most wholesome, nourishing ingredients πŸ™ŒπŸ»
The issue a lot of the time with store bought alternatives is the additives, vegetable oils & sugar that is often hidden in there.. I say if you can find time to whip these up once a week that’s a much healthier option for you and your body!

CHIA JAM: * I add to my oats/granola every morning or rice cakes with peanut butter for snacking
In a pot add;
+ 1 cup frozen blueberries
+ 1 cup frozen raspberries
+ 1/4 cup chia seeds
+ 1/2 cup water
+ 1/3 tsp vanilla
Mix it together and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes until it forms a thick consistency.
Remove from heat and add it into a blender for a jam like consistency (optional to blend)
* if you want it sweeter you could add a tap of maple syrup/rice malt ☺️

PESTO: * Amazing to mix in with pastas, or with crackers or veggie sticks
In a blender wizz together;
+ 1 cup of basil
+ 1 cup parsley
+ 1 tsp minced garlic/ two garlic cloves
+ 2 tbs lemon juice
+ 3 tbs olive oil
+ 1/2 cup walnuts
+ generous dash of salt

HUMMUS: * can’t live without! Crackers, toast, salads you name it, hummus goes!
In a blender add:
+ 1/4 cup tahini
+ 1 tin washed & drained chickpeas
+ 1/4 cup lemon juice
+ 1/2 tsp ground cumin
+ generous amount of salt (about 1/2 tsp)
Blend for at least 2 minutes until a perfect creaminess ☺️


Banana, Peanut Butter & Choc Cups
