Sweet potato & carrot baked fritters

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A random creation that turned out pretty pretty delish! The great thing about these is they aren’t fried but taste as good!! A delicious wholesome addition to breakfast with eggs and avo, or a salad for lunch or eat on their own with 🥑 Yummmm!
+ One small sweet potato grated
+ One carrot grated
+ 2 organic eggs
+ 4 tbs almond meal
+ 1 tbs ground cumin
+ 1/4 leek, finely chopped
+ 2 grated garlic cloves
+ Salt and pepper
Add all ingredients in a bowl, mix well and add small balls of mixture onto a lined baking tray and flatten. Then do an olive oil spray over all fritters to ensure the crispness!
Cook on 190 degrees (ish) until it’s golden, should take about 20 minutes or so!
So easy, so delish! Feel free to add anything else you have on hand that you think would work well! 😘


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