PB, Banana & Oat Slice

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Just 3 ingredients because I love nothing more than an easy wholesome recipe, let’s be honest.. life is busy and who has time to complicate things!! (This literally took about 3 minutes to prep #winning )

You will need:
+ 2 overripe bananas
+ 2 cup rolled oats
+ 2 tbs peanut butter
add a dash of cinnamon for some extra flavour

Mash the bananas, followed by the rest of the ingredients all together in a bowl and add it to a lined baking mould (I used a loaf mould) Pat it all down tightly with a spoon or spatula.
Bake on 180 degrees for approx 20 mins. Let it cool for 10 mins before diving in and cutting into slices.

* the texture is soft inside, not biscuity which I thought would be strange when I made it but soon realised its delicious!! Also it’s super filling! I ate one 4 hours ago and still not hungry again 😳🙌🏻👊🏻

Enjoy 😘😘




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